Copyright Guidelines

"Although copying all or part of a work without obtaining permission may appear to be an easy and convenient solution to an immediate problem, such unauthorized copying can frequently violate the rights of the author or publisher of the copyrighted work, and be directly contrary to the academic mission to teach respect for ideas and for the intellectual property that expresses those ideas."

Questions and Answers on Copyright for the Campus Community, copyright 1991, National Association of College Stores, Inc. and The Association of American Publishers

We follow the same guidelines as UNH Printing Services related to copyright guidelines for classroom use to determine whether to accept photocopied material to be placed on reserve or scanned for myCourses. You can also find more information online. Relevant information is excerpted below.

Amount of Copying Allowed

  • one chapter from a book
  • one article from a journal, periodical, or newspaper
  • one short story, essay, or poem
  • one diagram or picture in any of those works

Other Guidelines

  • no more than one copy for each student (we suggest one copy per 20 students for reserve use)
  • include notice of copyright on the top page (with citation information)
  • no copying of or from works intended to be consumable in the course of study, i.e. workbooks, exercises, standardized tests, etc.
  • copying shall not be a substitute for the purchase of anthologies, compilations, collective works or other books nor for publishers' reprints or periodicals
  • copying shall not be repeated with respect to the same items by the same faculty from term to term (the "Fair Use" justification is weakened in the case of photocopying on a repetitive basis for continued use in successive terms)

You are required by law to provide notice of copyright on the first page of photocopied material. Copyright information in a serial is printed within the first five pages of the issue, usually near the mast head or on the contents page. In a non-serial, the notice of copyright is printed on the verso of the title page near Library of Congress information, preceded by the © symbol.

The best way to provide us with the copyright information is to photocopy the title page along with the pages to go on Reserve. You may write or type the information on the first page of each photocopy.

More copyright information: