Concord N.H. Aug.21.1863
Dear Sister
I rec. your letter
some time ago. hope you will excuse
me for not writing before. I came
back to Concord Monday night at
the end of my six days furlough.
The next day we marched over to
the city & had our reception. had
a very good time & some excellent
speeches. The next day we moved
to the old fair grounds behind
the insane asylum. it is a very
pleasant place. We have the
A. tents. I have one all to myself.
We do not drill any so I have
a very easy time. They are
very strict about passes so I
cant get to the city very often
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There is a Co of Mass Heavy Artil-
lery here & detachments from
the 3rd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th & 14th N.H. Regts.
They are here to receive conscripts
for their regts. The whole are under
command of LtCol. Hapgood. Maj.
Cross commands the regt. A fence
12 ft high is being built all round
the camp. to keep the conscripts
safe I suppose. we shall expect
some here the last of next week.
The drafting for Merrimac Co. took
place in the State house yesterday
& day before a detachment of
our boys uncle Lt Dame went
over as guard. It is said that we
shall all have ten days more
furlough before we leave the state.
A few will go at a time. I have
no idea how long we shall stay
here. I hope not long. I don’t feel
half so contented here as I did
in Va. we live well now have
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plenty to eat & drink.
There is no officer by the name
of Boyer in this regt. but I think
I know who was with Lt Dame
when he tipped over. I got a letter
from Mother yesterday. how does
the Rye conscript feel are they going to fight at their own doors?
It is a very dull life. I have nothing
to do & nothing to read so I have to
lay & think – about nothing.
My arm is all well & as good
as ever & my health is good
Tell Doctor he must come up
& see us after we get the conscripts
here. Write soon Love to all
Your Brother
George S. Gove