Camp near Falmouth VA
Sunday March 22, 1863
Dear Sister
I rec. a letter from you
yesterday & will write a few lines. You
must not expect a great quanity of good
quality. I cant write unless I have
something to say & when that letter is
said I am done. Camp life is rather
dull & the time [---?] heavily. Still often
it is [---?] is seems short. Thus the 3 months
we have been here do not seem more then
1 month. When we do have a change
on a chance for spurs we go into it heels
over head. Last Tuesday was St. Patricks
day & Gen Meagher & his irishmen had
a great time. Horse & foot races etc.
2 men were killed by being thrown
from their horses & 2 horses spoiled.
Gen Hooker & most all his Gens in this
[Page Break]
were present. Gen Sickles & wife were
here. In the PM as all were out to see this
[---?] where we were ordered to on
camps & to get ready to march at mo-
ments notice. Heavy commonading
had been going on all the PM up to
the night. We remained under arms
till dark when the firing ceased.
It was a [-----?] party that
look quite a number of prisoners 70
of them passed by here
Col. Cross got back a week ago. He looks
poor but is as gritty as ever. He ought
to be a Brig Gen. Still I almost hope he
went he for I should had to [---?] him
On st Lt Livermoore hes be promoted
Campt of Co. E. no one has been appointed
in his place yet. Capt Butler hes not
got back & on 2nd Lt has gone here on a
furlough this earns me in command
of the Co. I have got my warrant as
1st Sergent it dates back to Dec. 16, 62
so I shall get extra pay for Jan. & Feb.
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I get $20.00 per month now.
I suppose you wish I had
gone in the Goodwin Rifles
now. So as to be at home with the 2nd
well I dont I had rather be in the "Fighting"
Fifth than any other regt. under any
circumstances. I suppose we shall
make a move before long. Last year
we started out the 10th March but this
spring is much more backwards then
last. Still we shall have warm
weather soon that will dry the
roads[?] & that is all Hooker is waiting
for. I hope this campaign will be
[---?] sharp & decisive & that this
[---?] will not be needed
I am rejoiced N.H. has gone no worse
I feel greatly releived. I am not [---?]
[---?] whether Eastman[?] or Marry[?] is elected
in the 1st dist.
We eat[?] a great deal better since Hooker
took command. Have soft bread all the time
& potatoes, & onions occasionally. This bread
[Page Break]
is baked here & is fresh & good quite often it
is hot when we get it. This is a great luxury
to us often living on hard tack for
a year. You must common
artciles of food are our greatest
luxuries. I wish Doct could get [--?]
of his apples out here as easy as he can
to Portsmouth. They are only 5 cts a pair[?]
here & 2nd quality at that. Butter is 50 cts
here & cheese 40. Salt fish 15 sausage 30
It dont take long for a [---?] to make his
fortune. It has been very warm & pleasant
today but I think will rain by tomorrow
it is [---?] every other day & quite
cold most of the time. I wrote to mother
Friday. I have felt very anxious about
Geo. Warren[?]. I hope he will get well.
I suppose I should not know Freddie &
Ella now & Warren is quite a man bt this
time I wish I could see them.
Be sure & send me there potograph. I want
you to [---?] this one I had tane out.
[---?] on keep it out of sight. I never
liked it I should have had a potograph
taken at New Haven but I had to [---?]
away the day [---?] we were paid off.
Now you have got a girl you must write
often send my love to all
Truly yours
Geo. S. Gove
PS I have just heard
that Gen Summner is dead. We have always
been under him, he though a great deal
of Col. Cross & "his boys"
We always liked him he was a
fighting man. This service has [---?] on
of its best offices. Geo.