Chasehowitska Fla.
Feb.6th 1851
Dear Sister

Although I wrote
to you last according to my account
yet as it seems so long, I conclude to
write another of my uninteresting letters.
I have not heard from NH for a
long time. I may be in debt in the letter
line but I hope that will not prevent
Charles & others from writing to me.
I suppose all hear what I am
doing through Thomas, when I do not
write myself. However I will tell you
how I am now situated.
I am keeping store at Chasehowitska,
in a building no better if so good as
the old barn. But we have a very good
stock of goods and our trade so far
has been $1,000 per month which will
do very well if it should continue so
during the year.
Johnson & his wife & his child Greenleaf Johnson are keeping house
for me - Johnson attending to the Cedar
business in the Swamp & at times helping
about the store-Mrs. Johnson attending
to household matters with the help of

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"Nancy" as cook and washer-"Jim" attends to the horses
to wood & to the field, as well as to all
the errands by land & water. He is now
just from Cidar Key when he went with
Thomas in a sail boat. "Bill" blacks boots
brings water, makes fires, sweeps the store,
helps me to garden, and waits upon me
generally, when I have nothing to do but
to keep him employed. When I am busy
he is certain to be idle.
We keep a sulky horse and also
a saddle poney "Toney." My Dog "Taylor"
guards the store at night & and eats and sleeps during
the day-Old "Rowser" the Deer dog and
a cat each for house & store make up
the some of our establishment saving a
dozen or two of fowls perhaps.
Our nearest neighbors are the parties of
timber getters-three in number at this place- our party
numbers about 18 and work & camp about one
mile from here in the hammock -another party
numbers about 12 and is two miles in the swamp-
another numbers 6 and is down the river 1/2 mile.
Our next nearest is Homosassa 6 to 7 miles
where are three plantations (one Yulee's) two fisherman
& families and a party of timber getters numbering
10 or 12-We have the trade & the supplying
of all them, but the most of out trade comes
from the country back of us -say from 10 to

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35 miles. You can hardly conceive of a small
store doing all the business for the people 20 miles
around. But the truth is there are not many within
the 20 miles. People ride all day to get here and (if
poor) camp out at night-going home the next day with
perhaps $2 to $10 worth of goods.
Homosassa is out Post Office. Johnson has gone on
"Toney" today, and I hope he may bring a letter from
I am anxious to know how you and mother got
along through the winter and if you have anything
for enjoyment of life.
Wm and I are Bachelors without any
but you at home to care for-we have plenty
and if you and mother's income do not give you all
that is desirable for comfortable living I would
wish you to call upon ours.
Mother gave me 25cts when I left home at 19-
I suppose it was all the change She had. It is about 16
years ago! I think occasionally of the obligation and
shall want her to take some of my change occasionally.
Write me how you get along-how much of yours
and mothers money you spend & all the particulars.
How is Emily's health this winter and write
me all the news and what everyone is doing

Yours affectionate Brother
My love to all
John Parsons

Miss Abby S. Parsons