NHC Alumni Association Ledgers, 1880-1921

Collection number: UA 6/1/1
Size: 1 box (0.33 cu.ft.)

About the NHC Alumni Association

In 1861, the United States federal government approved the Morrill Act which set aside land in each state for the founding of public higher education. In 1862, the New Hampshire state legislature accepted the grant of 80,000 acres of public lands on which to set up a university. It wasn't until 1866, however, that the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts was incorporated by the state legislature.

First situated in Hanover in connection with Dartmouth College, the New Hampshire College moved to its present campus in Durham in 1893 after Benjamin Thompson, a prosperous farmer, bequeathed land and money to further the development of the College. The College thrived in Durham, and in 1923 the state legislature granted it a new charter as the University of New Hampshire.

When the NNCAMA opened its doors in 1868, ten men had regisered for classes. Three of these students, William Ballard from Concord, Lewis Perkins from Hampton, and Charles Sanders from Penacook, became its first alumni when they greaduated at the first Commencement in 1871. By 1880, there were forty-nine alumni. A growing interest in starting an alumni association resulted in about thirty-five alumni meeting at the City Hotel in Keene, NH, on March 23, 1880.

About the NHC Alumni Association Ledgers

This series contains the minute books of the Alumni Association of the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, 1880-1918. There are also three account books with information on financial dealings and dues of the Alumni Association. There are also a few loose items such as revised by-laws and a revised constitution.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

This collection is open.

Copyright Notice

Copyright is retained by the University of New Hampshire.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], [Folder], [Box], Alumni Association Ledgers, 1880-1921, UA 6/1/1, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.

Acquisitions Information

These records were transferred to the University Library for storage prior to the establishment of the University Archives in 1992.

UNH Alumni Association Records, UA 6/1/2

Collection Contents

Box 1
Box 1, Folder 11880-1895Records of the graduates of the NHCAMA
Box 1, Folder 21881-1895Cash book, NHCAMA Alumni Association
Box 1, Folder 31898-1918Records of meetings of the NHCAMA Alumni Association
Box 1, Folder 41910-1921NH College Alumni Association Account book
Box 1, Folder 51911-1921NH College Alumni Association Account Book (Dues)


Ledgers & Receipts
Letters & Postcards