Friday Apr. 10

Did not send my letter this morn-
ing so I will write a few lines more.
We have just been "mustered" to
[---?] how many men we have
in this regt. how many do you sup-
pose? Only 390 in all. Present and
absent we came out with 1040 men
& have had nearly 200 recruits &
only 390 are left. Every regt in the
army was to be mustered today
with a view[?] to having them filled
up with conscripts
I have read the report of the com-
mittee on the conduct of the war.
It is pretty hard on Gen. McClellan
but none too much so I guess. I only
wonder Old Abe could[?] not kicked
him out of the service long ago. Know-
ing all about him as he did. Then

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is one thing sure now. That we
have now got a Gen. who wont
be afraid to fight & we will
fight every chance he can get.
The roads must soon be in condition
so we can move & when we do you
may look out for exciting news.
It appears certain now that our
forces have commenced on Charles-
ton & we heard rumors that we have
taken it. I hope it may prove true.
This summer will put an end to this rebellion
As for Sammy Gove. I am glad he
has been & gone & done it. I really
believe if he had not succeeded
in winning Sarah Fogg that he
would have proposed to the widow
next. He has been bewitched
to get married this two years &
was bound to have somebody.
So I think it is lucky that he
has got Sarah else he might

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have kept on a finally
married a Smart or a
Willey/ He began with [---?]
Lilley[?] & has proposed to everybody
from there down.
I wish I could have my talk[?]
seen to how of thier are getting
tender & ought to be filled.
Tell Freddie he must take good care
of his lambs.

Write soon. Hope you went [---?]
your patience reading this
Send my love to all
G.S. Gove

Co. K. 1st Balt 1st Div 2nd Corp Army
Army Potomac