Pierceville Fla
April 21st 1855
Dear Abby
Some time since I had the
pleasure of receiving an interesting letter from you
containing the news items and chit chat in old Rye.
As for news here at least any in which you would feel
an interest, it is like a December rose with you, a very scarce
article - But then of course we have our chat intermixed
with a little scandle; who wouldn't whene there are any
women to give it a start - In fact Pierceville still
remains the quiet spot that you knew, the same green
pines yet grace the hill, waving their lofty heads to and fro
in obeyance to the gentle breeze, and murmuring a soft moan.

"Like the low chant of the distant waves
By Spring's soft breathing stirred"

And at this season the adjoining hills decked with the modest
violet and coquetish dandelion, look down upon the vallies
dotted with lilied innocence - While the neighboring
hammocks with a dense green foliage, not only vie in
modesty and innocence, with both hill and dale, but in
addition boast of the majestic and perfuming magnolia as
well as the fragrant and unchanging sweet Bay.
Here the woodbine is also seen entwined in fraternal
with the Ivy, while the latter clings with friendship around
the oak whose bravery has withstood for centuries old [---?]

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most angry blasts. Here is also seen the tall cedar in
thoughtful mood, looking down on the wild Honeysuckle
stretching forth its young tendrils, first to the cedar, then Bay
or oak in quick succession and continuing inconstant as
lovely----------(You may fill the blank, for fear I might write woman) .
The Persimon is likewise here found buried amid nature's
and high above, hanging gracefully is seen the
Mossy ringlets of the majestic oak or Bay, clinging with maternal
and waving in the air, like silken curls when faned
by the gentlest breeze -
Therefore who, amidst such modest coquetry, innocence
and faternal love
united with friendship, bravery
and thoughtfulness
amid nature's beauties, together with
a share of maternal love would not forsake the inconstant
sex and be a BACHELOR!!
Well it has taken some time and rather
a circuitous route to arrive at the above fact, but I
believe the deduction is right.
There is no doubt however, but what the
hammocks in the Spring of the year present to a lover
of nature a rich and varied field for admiration
and study, but then here they are almost
"Like roses that in deserts bloom and die"
to be sure they are not altogether unseen, but might
as well be when looked upon with an uncultivated
or unappreciating eye -
The great State topic is the rail road, it answers
for a subject for newspaper squibs of all sorts, and if

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writing and talking will do the work we may
expect to see not only a road, but roads soon in
operation - But I anticipate some years yet will pass
in the waters of the Atlantic and Gulf will be united with
an iron belt - but in the meantime we'll continue
to hope -
By the way I had almost forgotten to mention
that Mr. and Mrs. Micawber express many thanks to you
for the kind invitation extended in your letter but Mr.
Micawber is slightly embarrassed at this time, but
entertains a hope that something will turn up in his
favor, or that his friend Traddles will come to his aid
so that he may be enabled to meet your invitation -
Mr. Micawber would doubtless like to have his
old friends Traddles and Miss Trotwood along, and then
I know that Mrs. Micawber could not think of leaving
the poor twins & I therefore extended a general invitation.
You can say to Grand Mother not to be alarmed
as they are very quiet folks and will not spend more
than six or seven weeks in Rye
Remember me to all - I close in haste
Affectionately Yours